The new one dollar coin has entered circulation and there seems to be a problem a brewing. According to some the new coins are missing something very fundamental. The coin is missing the 'In God We Trust' motto. I myself recently received an email that at first shocked and appalled me. I have since calmed down a little and found out all the particulars.
Pictured to the right is the face of the new coin. Upon close inspection you can clearly see that 'In God We Trust' is missing. To me this is shocking and I don't like the look of it. It feels wrong to me to not have our motto.
So I was shocked and wanted to say my piece so I started to write in my blog about it. The beginning of the post was salacious and out for the Treasury Secretary's blood but with any post it starts with some research. I found some cool stuff on the US Treasury website when digging into the issue.
The first thing I found out was that indeed the motto was removed from the face of the new coins. The second was that it WILL be on the edge. The image above, of the front face, came from an email campaign to 'not accept the coin'. The image of the edge is from the Treasury website about the new coins $1.
So with research I found that indeed it does have In God We Trust on it and I WILL be accepting them.
Some more interesting info was found when researching the new penny. Turns out the newest laws require In God We Trust to be on the coins. Also that the new penny will have "In God We Trust" directly printed on the face.
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