Should we change the Constitution?
It is a really hard question to answer. On the one hand some say that the Constitution is a living document meaning that it should grow and change as our country does. Others say that it should stay exactly the same and never change because it is a perfect document written in the spirit freedom and democracy.
A living document to me equals adjusting to whims of men in power at the time. While a perfect document written in the spirt of freedom domocracy equals just that, we need to understand it more, and learn from it not change it.
Are the men trying to change our consititution today able to really feel and understand the mindset of the persons that wrote it? Have they ever felt tyranny from a governemt that was so bad they fought and died against it? Can they or you imagine having to raise up arms against the US government because they felt thier freedoms being ripped away?
Our constitution was not written to govern the people, it was written with the spirit of freedom, making damn sure the citizenry of the United States of America never felt oppressed by its own government. This was not a document of laws on how the government was to govern but how the people would allow the government to govern. Makes some weird sense I know, to think that the Constitution is about how our government should not be, but that is exactly what it is.
Imagine everyday that you toiled and worked toward your own prosperity and your own government was holding you against the wall. Then after you had just fought a bloody war against your own government because you were unfairly taxed and your freedoms were slowly being taken away, you sat down to pen your new rules. Wouldn't you spare nothing to be sure that all freedoms were maintained? Wouldn't you be sure to limit, in writting, the powers of your new government to prevent the tyranny you just fought? Hadn't you just felt the whip and fought back?
Do our lawmakers remotely understand this? Do they see that slippery slope of our freedoms errosions when the Constitution is changed for a modern day "adjustment".
My charge to you is this: Read the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights with the eyes of its writers and then tell me if you think it really needs any changes.
Read the US Constitution here and the Bill of Rights here.
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