In a country with nearly 300 million a bill was passed to force insurance on all of us so that a minority of 15-30 million can have it. I need all of you to read that again and find the word that makes me want to vomit. The word is FORCE. My government is forcing you and me to do things we do not want to do. Oh but you think that most of the country wants this to happen!?! I mean who wants people to be uninsured? And aren't there real problems with the insurance industry that need to be fixed?
Sadly you would be right...
But at what cost and why are you taking and forcing on us what you want? Do you actually believe that this bill is the answer? Do you want more government and more taxes?
Well I don't see you coming up with another idea!! You say to me with utter arrogance... Shove it up you ass is my response. If you think for one minute that the bill passed was either a) well thought out or b) even remotely the only real option on the table than you are sorely mistaken.
The powers that be, meaning the Democrats including the current President, have wanted this type of bill all along. It simply took a forceful president with the right economy and like minded congress to finally pass this thing. It will become bloated, cumbersome and ultimately irreversible. Like all programs that become to big, it will be unstoppable. Imagine it this way: program becomes so large that it creates 30,000 government jobs and 20,000 private sector jobs. Now over a period of time it is determined that this thing is wrong or that thing is wrong and it needs to be fixed. First we start by hiring more people to figure out what is wrong. This will create another part of government as oversight and again more jobs.
In the end to turn it all off 80-100,000 people will lose their jobs and no one is every willing to throw that switch.
The point of a manager in a government job is the same as a private sector manager. They will try and increase their dept and budget every year. Think about that for a moment. Is that manager thinking of making things more efficient? No. Are they thinking of lowering the tax burden on the public and letting the private sector perform the same job function? No.
Bureaucrats love their jobs because they are good jobs with tons of stability and rarely is someone fired for poor performance. With almost yearly mandated raises and great benefits who would not want a government job?
This is bullshit and I am tired... I have work to do in my house and at my job that I take pride in. The congress should be ashamed of themselves today. All of them!!