Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pompous, self righteous, disconnected pieces of lying crap.

So it passed today, or yesterday I should say, in the House. I am talking about what I believe will become yet another bloated government program... Government Health Care. They, meaning those pompous, self righteous, disconnected pieces of lying crap, in congress have allowed our country and government to take yet another step away from a democracy. Over the past 100 years they have created laws that have taken the power to govern the people from the people and give it to a small few. With this new power they are dragging you, your family, me and my family into the abyss of a government out of control in both power and size.

In a country with nearly 300 million a bill was passed to force insurance on all of us so that a minority of 15-30 million can have it. I need all of you to read that again and find the word that makes me want to vomit. The word is FORCE. My government is forcing you and me to do things we do not want to do. Oh but you think that most of the country wants this to happen!?! I mean who wants people to be uninsured? And aren't there real problems with the insurance industry that need to be fixed?

Sadly you would be right...

But at what cost and why are you taking and forcing on us what you want? Do you actually believe that this bill is the answer? Do you want more government and more taxes?

Well I don't see you coming up with another idea!! You say to me with utter arrogance... Shove it up you ass is my response. If you think for one minute that the bill passed was either a) well thought out or b) even remotely the only real option on the table than you are sorely mistaken.

The powers that be, meaning the Democrats including the current President, have wanted this type of bill all along. It simply took a forceful president with the right economy and like minded congress to finally pass this thing. It will become bloated, cumbersome and ultimately irreversible. Like all programs that become to big, it will be unstoppable. Imagine it this way: program becomes so large that it creates 30,000 government jobs and 20,000 private sector jobs. Now over a period of time it is determined that this thing is wrong or that thing is wrong and it needs to be fixed. First we start by hiring more people to figure out what is wrong. This will create another part of government as oversight and again more jobs.

In the end to turn it all off 80-100,000 people will lose their jobs and no one is every willing to throw that switch.

The point of a manager in a government job is the same as a private sector manager. They will try and increase their dept and budget every year. Think about that for a moment. Is that manager thinking of making things more efficient? No. Are they thinking of lowering the tax burden on the public and letting the private sector perform the same job function? No.

Bureaucrats love their jobs because they are good jobs with tons of stability and rarely is someone fired for poor performance. With almost yearly mandated raises and great benefits who would not want a government job?

This is bullshit and I am tired... I have work to do in my house and at my job that I take pride in. The congress should be ashamed of themselves today. All of them!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Animal Farm

Should we change the Constitution?

It is a really hard question to answer. On the one hand some say that the Constitution is a living document meaning that it should grow and change as our country does. Others say that it should stay exactly the same and never change because it is a perfect document written in the spirit freedom and democracy.

A living document to me equals adjusting to whims of men in power at the time. While a perfect document written in the spirt of freedom domocracy equals just that, we need to understand it more, and learn from it not change it.

Are the men trying to change our consititution today able to really feel and understand the mindset of the persons that wrote it? Have they ever felt tyranny from a governemt that was so bad they fought and died against it? Can they or you imagine having to raise up arms against the US government because they felt thier freedoms being ripped away?

Our constitution was not written to govern the people, it was written with the spirit of freedom, making damn sure the citizenry of the United States of America never felt oppressed by its own government. This was not a document of laws on how the government was to govern but how the people would allow the government to govern. Makes some weird sense I know, to think that the Constitution is about how our government should not be, but that is exactly what it is.

Imagine everyday that you toiled and worked toward your own prosperity and your own government was holding you against the wall. Then after you had just fought a bloody war against your own government because you were unfairly taxed and your freedoms were slowly being taken away, you sat down to pen your new rules. Wouldn't you spare nothing to be sure that all freedoms were maintained? Wouldn't you be sure to limit, in writting, the powers of your new government to prevent the tyranny you just fought? Hadn't you just felt the whip and fought back?

Do our lawmakers remotely understand this? Do they see that slippery slope of our freedoms errosions when the Constitution is changed for a modern day "adjustment".

My charge to you is this: Read the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights with the eyes of its writers and then tell me if you think it really needs any changes.

Read the US Constitution here and the Bill of Rights here.

Our part in Global Warming

This was written in October 2008 the name of the Bill has changed but the rest remains the same. TNOTM

"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" Quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt the 32nd President of the United Sates.

Our nation and our world has succumb to fear. Fear in something that you cannot see, smell, touch or hear. Thousands of scientists and academics, have come forth with a theory that our world is being destroyed by humanity and we are making it real in our collective minds. "Global Warming" is getting larger and larger and I don't mean the amount of green house gases. It is growing in fear.

This fear is causing our government and others to place very large and heavy taxes and burdens on the public. The politicians, the men and women that we voted for to protect us, are soon to be making these taxes and burdens real by enacting laws to regulate green house gases. The laws will turn a theory into a financial reality for us all.

Noun: An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

Noun: Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed.

"Global Warming" has not been proven to be a fact. A fact would be that the earth has gone through many temperature highs and lows in the years that we have measured temperature. Another fact is that there are many, many other variables, not even related to green house gases, that can cause the earth's temperature to rise.

A report was released on May 27th 2008 that theorizes what disastrous changes are coming to the US's "Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity" because of "Global Warming". The report was written by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program(CCSP) and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research(GCRP). The report states "There is robust scientific consensus that human-induced climate change is occurring.". This report never mentions the other "robust" scientific consensus that has stood up to say the exact opposite. Not only is this still a theory but the US government will have spent $3.5 billion to have this report drawn up since 2006 not including prior years and beyond.

In early June of 2008 the US Senate will start debating a new bill. S. 2191: America's Climate Security Act. This bill will make carbon dioxide a traded commodity between the US government and large companies that produce the gas. The government will be selling "allowances" to the company and if the company uses to many over the course of the year they can either buy more or trade with another company. The companies will have to offset these taxes by raising their prices with consumers. This means you and me.

Does this make any sense to you? Me either.

The bill also requires that the gas be transferred from the companies, transported through pipes to "geological carbon dioxide sequestration facilities" and injected into the ground for proper disposal. The money from selling the allowances is supposed to pay for all of this new infrastructure and facilities. Meanwhile above ground all of the "living plants" that breath carbon dioxide will be patiently waiting for their turn to take care of the carbon dioxide as nature intended.

I am not sure how the scientists missed this one completely. Did you know that almost all animals breath in oxygen to live and almost all plants breath in carbon dioxide. Or how about the FACT that we exhale this nasty green house gas all day ourselves and those crazy plants exhale that wonderful oxygen.

I recommend everyone do some research, either at the library or using the internet, and talk to your friends and family about what is happening. I believe that if we as normal people, working hard everyday just striving for the pursuit of happiness, can end this fear. We need to stop our governments runaway train of regulation and taxation on a problem that does not exist.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

New World Order

So I had a thought and an odd one at that. I saw this article US admiral concerned about China military buildup and thought what if...

In the article it mentions the vast buildup of China's military and how we need transparency for stability of the region. It also mentions how the 2nd most top ranked officer of China's PLA(People's Liberation Army) just visited President Obama to speak of common interests.

Now my thought was about the actual size of China's Army and what one man would think of it. In particular what the sitting President of another nation might think of it. Is it so big that protecting one's self and bowing to that kind of might before thinking of your country and freedom become second? Does this President have the willingness to fight for this country, like Presidents before him, against such odds and will future Presidents?

I have a slight fear that this President or future Presidents will cow tow very quickly to appease and keep their own place of power in such a situation. A fear that this country's President my give us away for their own gain.

I am saddened that I feel this way toward our sitting President but I can't shake it. I simply don't believe that he has it in him nor can I find anything in his history to show me otherwise.

I never looked for this trait in the President that I voted for but I will now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Government Transparency: A citizens guide (Part 1)

Every week they take a third of my money, from my paycheck, and I don't even know what they are doing with it!

Quote from:  Anonymous Concerned Citizen

Over the past few years I have often wondered what my congressmen and senators have been doing and how much it is costing me.  I decided that I would have to find out and began searching the internet.  What I found astonished me...

Via the internet I was able to look at bills that were being debated, drafted and signed into law.  I was pleased to find that our government was actually pretty good at placing this information at our finger tips.  With a little practice I was able to read a bill that was coming up and see how much it was going to cost us as tax payers.

Below are instructions, through example, how to look up a bill and see how much it will cost.

Step one:  Find a bill that I wanted to view.

Now some of you will know of a bill, that you want to look at and then again others won't.  By going to you will be able to view all bills or search for bills that might interest you.

So in my quick search I found one.  I choose:

H.R.14 : To provide for ocean acidification research and monitoring, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Baird, Brian [WA-3] (introduced 1/6/2009)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: House Science and Technology
Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Science and Technology.

I chose this bill because it isn't controversial...  To most people.  The information provided above is pretty straight forward.  First is the title, then sponsoring representative, committees, and  finally the latest major action.

Using the link provided by the website I am able to view:


Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act of 2009 or FOARAM Act - Defines "ocean acidification," for this Act, as the decrease in pH of the Earth's oceans and changes in ocean chemistry caused by chemical inputs from the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide.

Requires the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology of the National Science and Technology Council to develop a strategic plan for federal ocean acidification research and monitoring that provides for an assessment of ocean acidification impacts on marine organisms and ecosystems and the development of adaptation and mitigation strategies to conserve marine organisms and ecosystems.

Directs the Secretary of Commerce to conduct research and monitoring and authorizes the Secretary to establish an ocean acidification program in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) consistent with the strategic research plan, including: (1) providing grants for critical research projects exploring the effects of ocean acidification on ecosystems and the socioeconomic impacts of increased ocean acidification; and (2) incorporating a competitive merit-based process for awarding grants that may be conducted jointly with other participating agencies or under the National Oceanographic Partnership Program.

Requires the National Science Foundation (NSF) director to continue to carry out ocean acidification research supporting competitive, merit-based, peer-reviewed proposals for research and monitoring of ocean acidification and its impacts.

Requires the administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to ensure that space-based monitoring assets are used in as productive a manner as possible for monitoring of ocean acidification and its impacts.


Referred to the House Committee on Science and Technology.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment.
And finally the driest reading imaginable the text of the bill:

I hope that you will take some time and go to  There are more than enough bills to look at. You might even have one that you want to look at specifically and this site will help you.

Coming up in part 2 of "Government Transparency: A citizens guide" I will journey into the Congressional Budget Office and find out how much this bill will cost. I will also present links to other sites that can help you traverse this playground of legislation and politics.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stimulus: a new antibiotic

Over the last few years this country has been eating nothing but junk food.  Now it feels really bad.  Depressed, lethargic, unable to move, and an overall unhealthiness has made it lose track of life.

The country, like all people that are feeling ill for a reason that they think they cannot explain, have gone to see the doctor for a diagnosis.  This doctor, who is already overrun with patients, has no time to really figure out what is wrong with the patient.  There is no time for lengthy questions, only simple ones.

"So you are feeling run down?" The doctor asks the patient.

"Oh gosh yeah doc.  I feel like I can barley move in the morning and I am so depressed because of it." The patient responds.

"Did this come on all of a sudden?" The doctor asks after writing on the patients care sheet.

"Well I guess you could say that... " The patient responds.

"Well I think you might have a case of the flu.  I will prescribe some antibiotics just in case it gets worse.  You should feel better in a few weeks.  Just take a few pills and rest, the medication will do the rest." The doctors says handing the patient his prescription as he walks out of the exam room.

The patient is feeling a little better just by seeing the doctor.  He feels a renewed zeal with this prescription that he thinks will make everything better.  Once I get this prescription filled and get some rest I am gonna be as good as new.


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